10 Week Kindness Challenge for Kids – Week 3

Many children spend far too little time in the kitchen but learning to cook is something every child should learn at some point. This week’s act of kindness not only challenges them to create but also gives them valuable time connecting with someone in their family.

Haven’t joined yet? Here’s how to participate

Step 1 – Invite others to participate

Being a part of this fun challenge is easy and though it’s aimed at kids, we’d love to see adults joining in as well. Apart from being a great activity to nurture positive character traits, we’re aiming to send a whole lot of good vibes out into the universe. To have as bigger impact as possible, we’d love to see your kids invite their friends to participate. They can form a group and keep each other accountable while sharing ideas. Teachers may like to use it with their class and include a writing activity by having their students document each act of kindness with words and photos.

Facebook Kindness Challenge For Kids Instructions

To get them inspired and see what an impact a group can have, here’s a math problem for kids to figure out. Count how many people they personally know are taking part of this challenge or are part of their group or class. Multiply that number by 10 acts of kindness for each person. The answer to that is how many acts of kindness they will give and how many people they will affected in a positive way! Imagine a class of 25 students, that’s a huge 250 people who will be made to feel special. 

Step 2 – Download the checklist

Download and print the checklist. Color a star each week that an act of kindness is given. It doesn’t matter if a week is missed, kids can pick up where they left off anytime but should aim to complete all 10 good deeds.

Facebook Kindness Challenge For Kids Checklist

Step 3 – Check our posts

One act of kindness will be posted each Monday (Melbourne time) on FacebookInstagram and here on our blog. Instructions will be given for each one. 

Step 4 – Share pictures 

Help inspire others by showcasing ideas with photos! Go to our Facebook page and post yours under the appropriate post. We may even share some of them on our blog! 

It’s as simple as that!

Kindness Coloring Pages - Ripple Kindness Project

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