
Understanding Homelessness: How Students Can Make A Difference. Activities For Students To Learn How To Help Homeless People.

How to Help Homeless People and Ignite Empathy in Kids

Teach your students how to help homeless people during World Homeless Day on October 10th.  Homelessness is a complex and sensitive issue that impacts many adults and children. Many students are sheltered from the reality of homelessness, but it’s important for them to understand this issue. By learning about homelessness, students can develop empathy and become more…

Giving is happiness

When my husband and I downsized and moved back to MI from PA (after 32 years and raising 6 kids), we got rid of at least 60% of our possessions. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

Kindness from The Little Fish

In the classroom of the Little Fish (2 years old) of Colégio Oceanus, this year we live in an atmosphere of Kindness. Bearing in mind the idea that the first years of life are essential in the development of the personality and in the internalization of values, this year we started a project in which…

Bless her heart

My daughter, Steph, died in November (26 years, sudden adult death) breaking all our hearts. Her devastated Grandma went to my daughter’s favourite bath product shop to buy (to put in her coffin) a gift for Steph’s upcoming birthday. She explained this to the girl who served her. This lovely young lady then spent a lot…

Talk about kindness!

My sister-in-law used her miles to get me a hotel room the night before an early am flight. She arranged a shuttle service to pick me up and bring me home (an hour away from the airport). All of this to bring me to Hawaii to celebrate my brothers 70th birthday and meet my newborn great…

Give freely

A few weeks ago a man came into to pay for his petrol and then said he wanted to pay for number 18 as well. This is not uncommon as sometimes families fill up at the same time. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share