kindness tree

Tires ploy

Neighbors asked to borrow my truck. Told them I could not trust my truck because the tires were bad. Next day my neighbor called and said he was getting new tires for his suburban and I could have his old ones. Told me to just show up at this certain tire shop and they would…

A healing hug

I spread positivity wherever I go. I was speaking to a patient last week at a cancer fundraiser in the chemo ward and he asked if I worked at the hospital. I told him I am also having treatment. He said, “you look so well, and you are so happy!” Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit…

High school formal

I remember in my last year of high school. One of the popular boys asked the chubbiest, most unpopular girl (that sounds mean but we weren’t a bullying year level so she wasn’t bullied) to the formal in front of the whole class!!! Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

Comfort and healing

The night of December 17, 2016 was horrid. But I found comfort and healing the next day in a very unexpected place – a chaotic, extra crowded mall. A place I rarely go, even outside of the holiday rush. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share